Releases Biography Live Audio Pictures
Releases Biography Live Audio Pictures

Vromb c'est de la musique tantôt atmosphérique tantôt rythmique et parfois les deux faite avec une sonorité électronique expérimentale. C'est une trame sonore pour un film qui se passe dans la tête de l'auditeur.
Vromb c'est un film sonore.

Vromb does music that is alternatively atmospherical and rhythmical. Sometimes, both in the same time, it consists in a sonic electronic experiment. It is a soundtrack for a movie that goes in the audience's mind.
Vromb is in fact a sonic movie.

Ant-Zen Disques Hushush Oral


Vromb's album is now available on Ant-Zen


act 313 · vromb · chorégraphie · cd

01. entité
02. réceptions onna, onta, dota
03. angles morts
04. contre mesures
05. un monde hermétique
06. manigance
07. rêve en boucle
08. transformateur
09. transformation phase a & b
10. stabilisateur

press release - pdf



A new Vromb album in the making!

Working on a book project

Vromb will be playing at Maschinenfest in Oberhausen, Germany
9-11 October 2015

Vromb will be playing at Component One. Industrial Noise Festival in Montréal, Québec
10-13 September 2015



28ème Festival international de musique actuelle de Victoriaville


Avec Lucien Francoeur, Mario Girard et Michel Meunier

La rencontre inattendue d'un compositeur électronique et d'un poète-rockeur! Paru en 2011, l'album Avant Ailleurs a pris tout le monde par surprise. Les atmosphères denses et subtiles de VROMB, appuyées par le guitariste MICHEL MEUNIER, créent un contexte inédit pour les textes de LUCIEN FRANCOEUR. Ne manquez pas la première sur scène de cette collaboration. Ce sera vraiment 'Aut'chose'.

vromb / lucien francoeur (détails)

Samedi 19 mai 2012 - 17 h 00
Victoriaville, Québec (Canada)




Theatre D'aujourd'hui
SAISON 2011-2012
SALLE JEAN-CLAUDE-GERMAIN du 18 octobre au 12 novembre 2011
texte Claude Paiement
texte et interprétation Frédéric Desager
mise en scène Eudore Belzile
assistance à la mise en scène Josée Kleinbaum
décor et costumes Geneviève Lizotte
éclairages André Rioux
musique originale VROMB
direction technique Erik Palardy





Titre: Avant Ailleurs
Label: ORAL
Catalogue # : ORAL 41 LP / CD
Sortie : 2 mai 2011

Poésie urbaine et ambiance industrielle
Avant : Quelque part dans le milieux des années 70, un premier contact avec "L'Autchose" du poète Lucien Francoeur agit sur Hugo Girard (Vromb) comme la rencontre du premier type, l'ovni du freak de Montréal laisse des traces dans l'esprit du gamin qui ne perçoit alors dans la poésie du rocker-mutant que les niveaux directs des associations. L'hôtel des vampires, les spoutniks de St-Guillaume, le cauchemar de Dracula mais surtout un stéréo dans mon cerveau peuple l'imaginaire de Vromb depuis.

Ailleurs : Les textes récités ou chantés par Lucien Francoeur en 2011 sont visités, traversés par l'univers sonore de Vromb. Les prières du rocker sont alors véhiculées par un vrombissement musical en dehors de toutes conventions et tendances éphémères.

Bruits/drones électroniques en nappes, s'appuient sur des rythmes et climats sombres et certains dérapages acoustiques. Le guitariste bruitiste Michel Meunier marque par sa présence cet ensemble du troisième type.

Pour les passionnés de : Aut'Chose, Lucien Francoeur, Vromb, Pan Sonic, Roger Rotor, les poètes.

communiqué de presse - pdf


Title: Avant Ailleurs
Label: ORAL
Catalogue # : ORAL 41 LP / CD
Out : May 2, 2011
Urban poetry and industrial atmosphere.
Avant (Before): somewhere in the 70s, a first contact with "L'Autchose" by the poet Lucien Francoeur acts on Hugo Girard ( Vromb) as a Close Encounter of the First Kind. The UFO of the Montreal freak leaves deep traces in the mind of the kid which perceives in the poetry of the rocker-mutant only the immediate levels of poetic associations. The hotel of vampires, St - Guillaume's sputniks, Nightmare of Dracula and especially, A Stereo in my Brain, inhabit the imagination of Vromb since that early time. Ailleurs (Somewhere else): texts recited or sung by Lucien Francoeur in 2011 are visited, contamined, by Vromb's sound universe. The prayers of the urban rocker are conveyed by a musical humming out of all musical conventions and ephemeral tendencies.

Clever noises and electronic waves of drones, associate with rhythms, dark climates and acoustic variations. The exquisite noise guitarist, Michel Meunier, marks his presence on this Close Encounter of the Third Kind.

For music lovers of : Aut'Chose, Lucien Francoeur, Vromb, Pan Sonic, Roger Rotor, the poets.

press release - pdf


Roger Girard aussi connu sous le nom du Pêcheur de noyés et de Roger l'harmonica nous a quittés ce vendredi 9 octobre 2009.
Nous regrettons la perte du père de Hugo Girard.

Roger Girard also known as the "Pêcheur de noyés" (fisherman of drowned persons) and "Roger the Harmonica" has left us this past Friday October 9th, 2009.
We deeply regret the loss of Hugo Girard's father.

Roger Girard
(2 juillet 1928 - 9 octobre 2009)



new cd album out soon on spectre in the nautilus collection

'Le Pêcheur de noyés' (De visser van verdronkenen )

press release - pdf (text by Bauke Van Der Wal)

Translation of 'Le Pêcheur de noyés' is almost impossible, but 'The fisher of drowned ones' covers it quite good. Nautilus, the water based sub-division of Spectre Records, presents its tenth release and all honours go to Vromb.

The Canadian sculptor of electronic sounds pictures life below water-level and sadly for us humans, the oxygen-level isn't high enough to survive ...

'Le Pêcheur de noyés' is the story about Roger Girard who - as a scubadiver - searched for and found several corpses of drowned people. Not the most cheerful of stories to tell, but a fact of life. His stories have been well documented over the years and this CD add a new dimension to the archives.

The atmosphere and underwater sounds are amazingly well caught by Roger Girard's son Hugo, who happens to be Vromb. Deep rumbling sounds, oxygen masks producing waterbubbles and a cry for help which wasn't heard in time.

The characteristic rhythm based soundsculptures of Vromb are on this album accompanied by more ambient works; A bit compareable with the ones we have gotten to know on 'Jeux de Terre'. The result is an honest, sincere and very personal release which only one man could write. This release comes in a deluxe-box with many additional items like postcards, stickers and a pin, but also copies of the actual newspaper clippings from the recoveries by Roger Girard.

The result is most impressive in more ways then one ... Tracklist : 1.capsule musicale 2.l'homme grenouille 3.le fleuve/roger l'harmonica 4.air comprimé 5.urgence 6.fonds marins/objets trouvés 7.l'avion vole et plonge 8.les débris de l'appareil 9.deuxième avion 10.sur l'eau à toute vitesse 11.les corridors sous-marins

Spectre/Nautilus NA10 - CD box limited edition 369 copies
www.spectre.be . info@spectre.be
distribution via ant-zen . info@ant-zen.com . www.ant-zen.com



hypnosis - a process in which the critical thinking faculties of the mind are bypassed and a type of selective thinking/perception is established. this process can be achieved without any impact (consider the mind when it is half asleep or half awake). this album's intention is to aurally simulate a hypnosis session (such as one conducted by a hypnotherapist).

if a 'subject' is willing to engage with the topic then different steps of hypnosis can be retraced while listening: preparation, induction (taking the subject from normal awareness to a state of enhanced relaxation), deepening (taking the subject from a very relaxed state into the fully 'hypnotized' state, where conscious thinking is minimized), purpose (when the subjects are asked to say or perform things) and finally awakening (when the subject is taken out of the hypnotic state).

the music starts with straight forward (but calm) rhythmic patterns - patterns that are in place to reach a state of trance. the music changes the same way as the subject's perception does: rhythm is replaced with surreal ambient soundscapes, incomprehensible voices start to talk and then a constant but always changing flow takes over - a strange and unfamiliar experience is the result - due to the subject's inexperience. but the experience is never threatening as the final process of awakening is performed very carefully. either way, the subject will immediately realize the session is over.

it matters not if you take the invitation to use 'sous hypnose' as an occasion to start a fascinating experiment, or if you just want to enjoy the new work of vromb; this album is a highly recommended document of today's serious electronic music (as all of this great canadian artist's releases are).

Text by Christian Pallentin


Audio excerpt at: http://www.myspace.com/antzen

Also available from Ant-Zen, a new t-shirt!

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Concert at Maschinenfest.
Krefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
October 12-14, 2007

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La série EPOXY présente des oeuvres sonores originales dont la création repose sur un lien développé par chaque compositeur avec un théoricien, un mathématicien, un philosophe, un architecte ou un artiste de son choix.
The EPOXY serie gathers original sound works based on close links developed by the composers with a theorist, a mathematician, a philosopher, an architect or an artist of their choice.
Epoxy 5 . Emplâtre, licol et serre-joints
Mercredi 13 Juin 2007
Vromb (Al Feldstein)
Steve Bates (Gordon Matta-Clark)
Scant Intone (Yasunao Tone)
Julien Roy (Carlo Scarpa)
Sala Rossa, 4848 boulevard Saint-Laurent

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The Vromb vs Gyges concert at MUTEK recorded on June 2, 2006 is still available for free at Bandeapart.fm!

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Vromb will play at COMA 4 in Montral. Socit des Arts Technologiques.
6-7-8 April 2007 - www.comanoise.net
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Yes, Vromb is currently working a new album!
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Someone created a MySpace profile under the disguise of Vromb. Please do not use this profile to send Vromb a message. It is not his.
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Vromb has remixed the female poet Kim Doré for the Festival des voix d'Amérique. The remix and the interview (in French) are available at Bandeapart.fm

Vromb remixe une pote

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The polish VJ Bolverk has uploaded his own version of Vromb's locomotive on YouTube. Here is the videoclip:

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The featurette on Vromb from MUTEK 2006 is still available with an audio interview in French on the Bandeapart.fm website.

Vromb MUTEK juin 2006

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